Scene Title: Hold Everything
Description: Manuel Torres and Joey Russo connect when Joey’s travelingcompanion leaves him beside the road to go to a nearby house.Manuel just happens to be hanging around and gives Joey the heavycruise, and Joey kisses afternoon ennui goodbye. Manuel, on theother hand, kisses Joey’s ass. His beard is bound to be tickly,especially when he plants his face deep within Joey’s spread-opencheeks and uses it to tease his hole. Joey, splayed across the seat ofthe parked bike, manages to spread his legs even further apart whenManuel demonstrates his flat-tongued rimming prowess, which is akinto watching a cat give itself a very thorough, very deliberate bath.Joey responds by arching his back higher and moaning louder.Manuel’s startlingly well-delivered foreplay leads to an equallyimpressive fuck, and he sticks it to Joey from behind as Joeybalances atop the seat of the bike. They end with Manuel’s loadlanding on Joey’s back, followed by Joey rising to christen the bikewith a big spew of juice.